TCP is growing fast and expanding across the UK and European.  To support our growth and to ensure we develop effective business leaders, TCP supports a Pan European Management Graduate Program.  The program is supported by external accreditation and sales management training and is structured on 4 sets of 3 monthly rotations across all business disciplines. 
Each graduate rotates through the disciples of Operations, Sales, Marketing and Commercial Services.
Operations; Inventory Management, Product Management and Quality Control.
Sales; Sales Negotiations, Contract Management and Account Management.
Marketing; Branding, Social Marketing and Public Relations
Commercial Services; Customer Relationship Management, Order Processing and Internal Sales
The scheme is designed to ensure we provide each graduate with real development opportunities and each rotation allows each graduate with a chance to take personal responsibility for their own business area.  In such a fast paced growing business, every week represents new and different learning opportunities.
Michael Tomkins, Management Graduate Operations said “the best thing about working for TCP is the opportunities it provides, the training provided and the excellent travel opportunities”
Amber McAfee, Management Graduate Product Management said “the future is indeed bright, the world is my oyster…it is such an exciting opportunity”
If you want to know more about a career within TCP please click here.